Many experience being married but leading a life like a single male or female... reason? Partner has no time for them... mainly for females when their husband spends most of his time working... to earn money for her apparently... when he is making money to pay for his lavish lifestyle...
After work, they need to de-stress since work is stressful and the wife will never understand (of course, they do not tell the wife anything, hence no information to be understood!) since she complaints him not spending enough time with her... he would prefer to spend time with his friends, be it males or females, when he used to bring her out everywhere he goes...
Then he would find some sad case Sunday, where he would sleep in and consider it a day spent with the wife, and the wife should not complaint since he is home... if not, he would prefer to stay out since the wife would complaint and not understand...
He might sometimes find some day to watch movies with the wife... but then, he would be dragging his feet to the cinema... then showing his long face... after the movies he would rush home with no dinner because he wants to catch what was on tv... But the wife is supposed to understand and not complaint or nag since he is bringing her out and spending time with her...
Wife one day tells husband that she feels lonely even though they are married... he did not bother to understand but just say that she is not understanding and went to bed...
How are things going to be?