We wait for:
1. alarm to ring
2. shower
3. breakfast
4. driving or walking or cycling to
work or school
5. to reach destination
6. stuck in a jam
7. for the lights to change
8. in line to get something, getting on the lift, getting on the bus, in to the parking lot
9. work to finish
10. meetings to be over

11. lectures to be over
12. lunch
13. time to pass faster
14. awful events to be over
15. to go home after work or school
16. dinner
17. grocery shopping
18. pay bills
19. house chores to be over
20. someone to come meet you
21. someone to come home
22. your pet to finish its business
23. exercise
24. things to change for the better
25. people to come around
26. your cellphone to done charging
27. a pay raise
28. a promotion

29. marriage
30. finding or meeting the right person
31. having children or starting a family
32. children to grow up
33. children to finish school and be independent
34. partner to be more understanding
35. partner to help around the house
36. delivery
37. dates to come
38. vacations
39. movie to start or end
40. the end to come...
The list can go on and on and on... because everything evolves around the waiting game... if you are patient, you
win. If not... you wait some
more and longer...
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