Friday, December 2, 2011

What December brings?

It is already December... marking the end of 2011. Many will feel depressed for the fact that they are still at where they are, felt like they have not achieved much for the past one year, the year is coming to an end and they feel they have not moved an inch or to a better stage in life... well for some, they are very happy, as they are focusing on other things, such as the celebrations - Christmas and New Year!

We can feel happy or sad... but the Earth will continue spinning, the world continues its changes, people go on with their lives, and time still moves... although easier said than done, to focus on the good and not the bad. But when time is coming to and end especially for that particular year... why not end it happily when you started it off happily and very much enthusiastic of what is to come for that year.

We can't change others in making us feel good... but we can change our reactions or our surrounding in making us feel happy. Make yourself happy, and not let others decide on your happiness. If they are worthwhile in holding that important position, they would not have disappointed you in the first place. When someone is selfless, they are encouraging someone selfish into their lives... start thinking for yourself, love yourself more, and not have any New year resolutions! ;) Let things go its way... when it is not forced, it will fall into place nicely... just be patient, be positive, but not inactive. You want something, you make it happen and not wait for it to happen.

I wish you happiness, good health, and serenity... xoxo

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