I was waiting for my A-Levels results... with so much time in hand, my sister thought it would be a good idea to go for an SIA interview... so I went. Ended up having my first flight to Mauritius ;)
It was great with all the traveling, sight-seeing, shopping, partying and meeting tonnes of people from around the world... still I was not happy. Not being close to my family is secondary. Primarily it was the stereotype people have on flight attendants... never fitted that stereotype, but I was thought of that way... Enough of it, I quit - my first job, that pays well and practically has the traits I would like in a job... Thus, it ended with my last flight to Jeddah!
In keeping myself grounded and sane :) I read a lot of, what used to be called, self-help books. Meeting so many different people with so different characters, personalities, emotions and thoughts... I wanna know how, why, when, where, what, and so on... so... Psychology it is!
After 4 years of theories, therapies, assignments, research and a bunch more stuff ... I thought that was it... I could finally be back home, get a job and settle down. But noooo... I need a masters to practice... so back to school again, doing my Masters in Counseling Psychology and working at the same time since classes are part-time i.e. after work...
But with the emotional and financial support from my beloved fiance + soon-to-be husband and family... I am still surviving with school, work, and home :) Am actually enjoying it!
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