This world is full of very very different people... those that you think do not exist... trust me, they do. Those that I heard most about are the partner's best friend. Either the best friend is of the same or different gender from your partner... they have been there before you. So the relationship between them is totally different, and only they will understand. No one else could really understand...
Well, comes one of the latest one I heard. The boyfriend has a female best friend who does not know the limit... she calls him everyday, text him she misses him when she was away on a holiday, hugs him in public, kisses his cheeks in public with photos taken, and the list just goes on...
This client kept quiet for the longest time, until one day she could not take it any longer. The best friend not only always talks about the boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, since they are best friends, but she also brought her out on one of the nights out. She spoke to her boyfriend about what's bothering her. The boyfriend said he will take care of it...
Apparently he did, but it is still happening... so she just left it because she has finally came to an understanding where it is pointless of her arguing with her boyfriend over someone who is insignificant to her. So things were left where it was until another problem ignites.
Boyfriends second best friend finally started dating this girl. Coincidentally this girl also feels uncomfortable about the female best friend being so close to her boyfriend. Thus, the new girlfriend seek this clients advice. This client told her not to argue over the female best friend because they have been best friends for the longest time. Besides, it is pointless to argue over such a thing. This client thought she has been the bigger person by explaining to the new girlfriend that things are not what she seemed and all this are just misunderstandings.

Unfortunately, that new girlfriend has not the courage to confront her boyfriend about her dissatisfaction, she pulled this client in and said that she felt the same way too. So everyone thought that it was this client who started all this issues. Thus, the male and female best friend told the boyfriend about what she did and that it's not right of her and so on. The boyfriend was furious and they argued, they did not even celebrate their anniversary. They almost broke up and the new girlfriend called this clients boyfriend and told him that it was not this clients fault at all. Regardless the boyfriend trusts her or not, the two best friends do not. So they still think that this client was the cause of all these.
Then the new girlfriend said she would talk to her boyfriend to clear up this mess. But she did not. Apparently every time she brings it up, they will argue or he does not wanna talk about it. So now, this client is left being the bad guy with none of them wanting to hear her side of the story or anything. Instead they ostracized her and all she is left with are feelings of betrayal and totally misunderstood.
I could not help her further as the boyfriend does not want to make things better... all he said to her was "After a while, things will get better..." But this client knows that things will never be the same after this incident. This is a perfect example of "It takes two to tango." No matter how much this client wants to solve this issue, as long as her boyfriend does not want to do anything, nothing can be done. Thus, no closure and it will always be part of any future arguments... So, it is her choice now to decide what is next... She is a product of her past, but she is not a victim... thus, change has to come from her decision.
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